06/26/24 3:41:49 PM Printer Friendly VersionPrinter Friendly Version


  • DISPOSITION: Please provide the scale operator with accurate information regarding owner’s name or names of split. All corn delivered will be applied to existing contracts or will be priced at the closing bid the day of delivery unless other arrangements have been made. Contract overrun bushels will be priced at the closing bid on the day of delivery. ALL corn must be priced on the day of delivery.
  • PAYMENT: Checks or ACH’s will be issued weekly if we have a signed contract on file.
  • DELIVERY: Monday through Friday with hours subject to change with plant needs. Please call ahead or check the website for current hours.
    • MOISTURE: 15%
    • DAMAGE: 5%
    • FM: 3%
  • Loads that do not meet the above requirements of #2 Corn are subject to rejection.
  • MOISTURE DISCOUNT: Moisture Shrink of 1.5% for each 1% above 15% moisture. Plus $.02/BU discount per 1% over 15%. Shrink and Discount charges will be broken down by the 1/10th of a percent.  There will be no load averaging. Any moisture above 18% is subject to rejection.
  • DAMAGE DISCOUNT: $.02/BU discount for each 1% over the 5% damage. Any damage over 7% is subject to rejection.
  • BROKEN CORN & FOREIGN MATERIAL: $.01/BU discount for each ½% above 3% -5%. $.02/BU discount for each ½% above 5%. Over 7% is subject to rejection. This plant will reject all trucks with any soybeans in the load.
  • TEST WEIGHT: $.01/BU discount for each pound 53.9 lbs. to 52 lbs. $.02/BU discount for each pound 51.9 to 50.  Any test weight below 50 lbs. is subject to rejection.
  • MUSTY, SOUR, ODOR, BUGS: $.10 discount per bushel and is subject to rejection.
OTHER: Rodent or bird contamination, stones, glass or other commercially undesirable foreign material will be subject to rejection. 

2024 Grain Discount Schedule
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