Myth  04/04/12 3:06:30 PM


Myth: Ø Ethanol uses more energy than it yields.

Facts:Ethanol production yields 1.7-2.3 units of energy for every unit of energy used in the entire lifecycle process. (Source: USDA)

A gallon of ethanol requires 19 times less oil to produce than a gallon of gasoline. (Source: Univ. of Califorina-Berkeley, 2006)
Myth: Ø Ethanol uses to much water.  

Facts: Since 2001, ethanol producers have lowered their water requirements by 47 percent. (Source: S. Mueller, U. of IL-Chicago)

Only 15 percent of all corn grown in the U.S. is irrigated. The rest in rainfed.

Production of marginal oil sources, like Canadian tar sands, requires up to 8 barrels of water for each barrel of oil produced. (Source: Pembina Institute, Canada)


Myth: Ø Ethanol uses too much corn.

Facts: Ethanol uses just 26 percent of the nations' corn crop ona net basis. (Source: USDA, RFA)

Global corn supplies are the largest in history. (Source: USDA)

Ethanol production requires just 2/3 of each bushel of corn. Th remaining 1/3 is fed to livestock in the form of distillers. (Source: RFA)

The U.S. corn harvest in 2011 was the fourth-largest in history. (Source: RFA)
Myth: Ø Ethanol ruins engines.

Facts: Virtually every engine maker-car, truck, boat, lawnmower-provides warranty coverage for E10 ethanol blends.

Ethanol has been a fuel source used safely in America since 1978
Myth: Ø Ethanol production raises the price of corn and food.

Facts: Experts from USDA, the World Bank, academia, and   other nongovernmental organizations all note that a range of factors influence food prices including oil prices, commodity speculation, weather, and monetary policies.

According to USDA, American farmers receive just 12.6 cents of every dollar spent on food. (Source: USDA)
Myth: Ø Ethanol emits more greenhouse gases than gasoline.

Facts: Research from the EPA, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and other respected academics show current ethanol production provides greenhouse gas reductions between 30 and 40 percent compared to gasoline.

Marginal oil sources, like Canadian tar sands, with which ethanol competes emit three times the greenhouse gases to extract as more traditional oil sources.

Ethanol use in 2011 reduced greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles by 25.3 million tons- the equivalent emissions from 4 million vehicles.

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